Who we are ?
Ghawth is a local NGO established in 2009 by a group of doctors in Lebanon. The aim for establishing this NGO is to enhance the medical services for refugees and host community, and to ensure that the most vulnerable population groups will have access to primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare services.


We deliver primary and secondary healthcare services to all those in need and affected by conflict, disaster and disease, no matter where they are, no matter what the conditions.


Vulnerable populations have equitable access to basic services through the national system.

The aim for establishing this NGO is to enhance the medical services for refugees and host community, and to ensure that the most vulnerable population groups will have access to primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare services.



Accountability to the communities where Ghawth works, as well as with displaced persons and refugees.


Being in service to the people in need is a moral obligation.


Engagement through improving awareness and access to information, seeking out bold and innovative approaches to difficult and pressing challenges, and seizing opportunities for synergy through partnerships and collaboration.


Transparency as a result of our commitment to the communities we serve, through the establishment of productive working relationships and our pledge to operate openly and inclusively, implement clear and explicit procedures to ensure serious accountability in every aspect of our projects and activities.


Sustainability in programming through ensuring quality, value, and excellence in all work.